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library acquisition造句

"library acquisition"是什么意思  
  • Domestic bookshops on web and library acquisition
  • library acquisition work in higher vocational and technical colleges
  • Collection and arrangement of library acquisition information under the network environment
  • Money collected from the capital levy goes towards building and maintenance of school facilities, library acquisitions, purchasing new furniture and fixtures, and developing the school information management system
  • By sampling survey method, from the aspects of bibliographical availability, the ratio of book forecasting, fields for description, description format, acquisition costs etc ., the paper makes a comparative analysis among the main chinese books acquisition bibliographies, including xinhua book news, cip data, national new books information, and bibliographies compiled by publishers, and hope can provide useful experience information for the selecting of library acquisition bibliography
  • It's difficult to see library acquisition in a sentence. 用library acquisition造句挺难的
如何用library acquisition造句,用library acquisition造句library acquisition in a sentence, 用library acquisition造句和library acquisition的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。